Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Truth

It's time to admit it. I suck at blogging. There was once a time when I was brilliant at it, but it appears that that time has passed. 
I'm still here, and I still read lots of awesome blogs, and I am so amazed at the choice friends I have made in real life from geeky internet beginnings, but I just don't have it in me these days. I don't know what changed, but the whole process just started to feel too hard. I'm going to blame the interface update of blogger, but that is probably an easy out for bigger life changes. I don't want to say goodbye forever, but given how little I currently give to blogging I can't see when it will change. 
Because I'm not here I have moved all my past posts to draft. It just felt weird having my kids out there on the interwebs without me keeping tabs on them. Sorry to my Nana who I know enjoys reading through the old stuff. I will find a way to load or send pictures just for you. 
Thank you blogger for everything you have given me. 
Until we meet again, all my love. 


  1. Dude, maybe you could make it a private blog, that way Nana can still enjoy the old stuff without every man & his dog getting in on it? I have no bloody idea how to do such a thing, but I know it's possible.

  2. Boo sadburgers! I was totally coming on here for a Prince Charles blog update but lo you've kicked the blogging bucket wahhhhhh!!! Lucky I get to see you and those FREAKING AMAZING girls so often. Man I love you guys xxx

  3. Well its still so great to visit you this one last time - are you sure????. You still have young children and you have a lot of demands on your time, you are busy!!! I know what you mean, a blog is so much more time investment than you thought. I still love that pic of your bubs sitting in the ocean. Please stay in touch! Your title always brought a smile to my face and so did the strapline...

  4. Think I left a comment but maybe not? It was so lovely to hear from you and I really hope you return soon. Blogging can get kind of "Noisy" sometimes I find and its nice to take a break. See you soon, I'll bet. Jody


I am really useless at replying to comments, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. I especially love my stalkers, you know who you are. Speak up. It makes me happy.